lottery set What is that? Surely the lottery set will no longer be strange to professional players. This is one of the ways to choose good lottery numbers but also helps players save time and effort when researching and predicting. So information about lottery set What is that? Summary of 15 sets of lottery numbers to help lottery players win, let’s find out in the following article with Trang chủ Hi88!
What is a lottery set?
lottery set What is that? Usually they are also called a set of lottery numbers or a set of numbers in the lottery, this is a term used in the lottery field. To put it more simply, this term refers to two numbers that often go together. Finding out the lottery set will help players win the lottery more easily than ever. In particular, this way of playing also helps players save significant time in researching and predicting.
Normally, professional players will play lottery numbers according to sets of numbers. Before each drawing hour, they often determine the sets of numbers in the lottery to play during the day. There are even people who keep lottery numbers organized by week, month and possibly year.
Synthesize 15 sets of numbers in the lottery with 100% accuracy
For those new to this game, determining the lottery numbers is not a simple task. However, if you take the trouble to research, analyze and make statistics carefully, you will see the rules of these numbers. Below Hi88 has compiled common lottery sets for readers to refer to.
15 most common lottery numbers
Normally there will be a total of 15 sets of numbers in the lottery and they are arranged by set of numbers. Include:
- Set of numbers 00: 00,05,50,55
- Set of numbers 11: 11,66,61,16
- Set of numbers 22: 22,77,27,72
- Set of numbers 33: 33,88,38,83
- Set of numbers 44: 44,99,49,94
- Set of numbers 01: 01,10,56,65,06,60,51,15
- Set of numbers 02: 02,20,57,75,07,70,25,52
- Set of numbers 03: 03,30,58,85,08,80,35,53
- Set of numbers 04: 04,40,59,95,09,90,45,54
- Set of 12 numbers: 12,21,67,76,17,71,26,62
- Set of numbers 13: 13,31,68,86,18,81,36,63
- Set of numbers 14: 14,41,69,96,19,91,46,64
- Set of numbers 23: 23,32,78,87,28,82,73,37
- Set of numbers 24: 24,42,79,97,29,92,74,47
- Set of numbers 34: 34,43,89,98,39,93,84,48
See: Tin tức Hi88
The standard set of lottery numbers corresponds to the 12 zodiac animals
If calculated according to the zodiac animals in the heavenly body and earth branch, Hi88 has identified 12 sets of lottery numbers and players can use them to play according to the months of the year. The winning rate is quite high.
- Rat: 00, 12, 24, 36, 60, 71, 84, 96
- Ox: 01, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 85, 97
- Tiger: 02, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 98
- Hand: 03, 15, 27, 51, 62, 75, 87, 99
- Dragon: 04, 16, 28, 40, 54, 64, 76, 88
- Snake: 05, 17, 29, 45, 53, 65, 77, 89
- Horse: 06, 18, 30, 42, 52, 66, 78, 90
- Goat: 07, 19, 31, 43, 53, 67, 79, 91
- Body: 08, 20, 32, 44, 55, 68, 80, 92
- Rooster: 09, 21, 33, 45, 56, 69, 81, 93
- Dog: 10, 22, 34, 46, 57, 70, 82, 94
- Pig: 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 72, 83, 95
The set of numbers in the lottery is based on numbers that often come together
According to the synthesis and analysis of lottery experts, there will be 10 sets of lottery numbers according to numbers that often come together. Include:
- lottery set 01: 01, 10, 56, 65, 06, 60, 51, 15
- Set 02: 02, 20, 52, 25, 57, 75, 07, 70
- Set 03: 03, 31, 13, 23, 31, 33, 43, 34
- Set 04: 04, 40, 68, 86, 09, 90, 43, 34
- Set of 12: 12, 21, 69, 96, 17, 71, 62, 26
- Set of 13: 13, 31, 67, 76, 18, 81, 63, 36
- Set of 14: 14, 41, 61, 16, 19, 91, 64, 46
- Set 23: 23, 32, 24, 42, 73, 37, 78, 87
- Set of 24: 24, 42, 72, 27, 29, 92, 74, 47
- Set of 34: 34, 43, 81, 18, 39, 93, 84, 48
Set of lottery numbers according to number balls
This set of lottery numbers is usually calculated according to the positive balls in the five elements and eight trigrams. The way to remember the numbers in this lottery is quite simple. Just add the pair 05 or 50 and use the rules of reversible numbers in lottery. In addition, this type of lottery number set is also known as set 55. Because there will be a total of 5 sets and each set includes 4 numbers and in which there are 2 identical numbers combined. The set of questions calculated according to the number of lottery numbers includes:
- Set 00: 00, 55, 05, 50
- Set 11: 11, 66, 16, 61
- Set 22: 22, 77, 27, 72
- Set 33: 33, 88, 38, 83
- Set 44: 44, 99, 49, 94
Above is all the information related to the problem lottery set What is that? 15 sets of lottery numbers help lottery players win. Hopefully through the above article, Hi88 has helped you answer the question of what is a lottery set and standard lottery numbers to have the opportunity to receive extremely valuable rewards!