When you use WPS to connect your WPS-enabled devices to the hotspot’s wifi network, you don’t have to type in the password. WPS is now running on the hotspot for 120 seconds. Digital Subscriber Line Modems Most AT modems have more than one Ethernet port that you can use. Yellow ports are on the back of your device. Connect an Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port on your computer to any open Ethernet port on the back of the modem. It’s that easy. Your modem might not look like the one shown. How many different things can slow down wifi? Yes. For instance, you might be carrying the weight of a nearby group or some of its equipment. If you didn’t think about cameras, appliances, tablets, and other electronic devices when you set up your network, they might now be able to use your wifi. After that, you’ll go to a page to log in. By doing these easy things, you can get online and change the settings on your router.
How do I get WPA to work on my wireless network?
You can turn on WPA or WPA2 on your wireless router to make your wireless network more secure. Open your computer’s Web browser and type your router’s IP address into the address bar. Make sure to choose “Wifi” from the first drop-down menu in the main menu of the setup utility.
How can I get into my AT Gateway’s settings?
Check how the gateway is set up. You can open a browser window in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or another. Go to to see how your gateway can be set up. Choose Wireless from the list of Key Tasks on the Gateway.
An AT router doesn’t have a way to show me the history of my WIFI connection. The gadget’s details will appear on the page. Click on the blue link under “SIM #” or “Month to Date Usage (MB)” to access the usage statistics. Go to the menu and select Connection History.
Why can’t I access the internet with my ATT wifi?
A power cycle is required for your AT gateway (also known as a reboot). Reconnect the power wire after two minutes of being disconnected from the wall socket where the gateway is plugged in. Make sure all of the lights on your gateway are lit green to ensure that your connection is functioning.
What’s up with my sluggish ATT wifi?
Wifi may become unreliable and slow down due to these factors: Bringing devices that are too far away within range of the wifi router. Walls, doors, and floors are examples of obstacles. Neighbors’ wifi networks may be interfering with your connection.